.. _getting_started_examples: ========= Examples ========= There are several example applications disseminated in various forms. .. grid:: 1 1 3 3 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :text-align: center **Mybinder** ^^^ Here examples written as Jupyter notebooks can be run online, without the need of installing tudatpy and/or an IDE. +++ .. button-link:: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/tudat-team/tudatpy-examples/master :expand: :color: primary :click-parent: :outline: Try it out .. grid-item-card:: :text-align: center **Github Repository** ^^^ The same examples are available on Github, both as Jupyter notebooks and regular *.py* files, in the ``tudatpy-examples`` repository. +++ .. button-link:: https://github.com/tudat-team/tudatpy-examples :expand: :color: primary :click-parent: :outline: Go to the repository .. grid-item-card:: :text-align: center **Online documentation** ^^^ Alternatively, you can go through the examples directly from this website. +++ .. button-ref:: example-categories :expand: :color: primary :click-parent: :outline: See below .. nbgallery:: :caption: Example application categories :name: example-categories /_src_getting_started/_src_examples/propagation /_src_getting_started/_src_examples/estimation /_src_getting_started/_src_examples/mission_design /_src_getting_started/_src_examples/pygmo