# GRAIL - Comparing Doppler measurements from ODF files to simulated observables
Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Delft University of Technology. All rights reserved. This file is part of the Tudat. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted exclusively under the terms of the Modified BSD license. You should have received a copy of the license with this file. If not, please or visit: http://tudat.tudelft.nl/LICENSE.
## Context
# Load required standard modules
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os
# Load required tudatpy modules
from tudatpy.data import grail_antenna_file_reader
from tudatpy.interface import spice
from tudatpy import numerical_simulation
from tudatpy.astro import time_conversion
from tudatpy.math import interpolators
from tudatpy.numerical_simulation import environment_setup
from tudatpy.numerical_simulation.environment_setup import radiation_pressure
from tudatpy.numerical_simulation import estimation, estimation_setup
from tudatpy.numerical_simulation.estimation_setup import observation
from tudatpy import util
from datetime import datetime
# Import GRAIL examples functions
from grail_examples_functions import get_grail_files, get_grail_panel_geometry
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following example can only be run with manually compiled Tudat kernels (see https://github.com/tudat-team/tudat-bundle
# for how to perform to the installation and compilation). Before proceeding to the compilation and testing (i.e., before step
# 6 of the readme), the file tudat-bundle/tudatpy/tudatpy/kernel/scalarTypes.h must be modified to specify how the time type
# should be converted in tudatpy. Within this scalarTypes.h file, both TIME_TYPE and INTERPOLATOR_TIME_TYPE should be set to
# tudat::Time (instead of double). Once this change has been implemented, proceed with the default installation steps.
# Running the example automatically triggers the download of all required kernels and data files if they are not found locally
# (trajectory and orientation kernels for the MRO spacecraft, atmospheric corrections files, ODF files containing the Doppler
# measurements, etc.). Running this script for the first time can therefore take some time in case all files need to be downloaded
# (~ 1h, depending on your internet connection). Note that this step needs only be performed once, since the script checks whether
# each relevant file is already present locally and only proceeds to the download if it is not.
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function performs Doppler residual analysis for the GRAIL spacecraft by adopting the following approach:
# 1) GRAIL Doppler measurements are loaded from the relevant ODF files
# 2) Synthetic Doppler observables are simulated for all "real" observation times, using the reference spice trajectory for GRAIL
# 3) Residuals are computed as the difference between simulated and real Doppler observations.
# The "inputs" variable used as input argument is a list with 14 entries:
# 1- the index of the current run (the perform_residuals_analysis function is run in parallel for different setups)
# 2- the start date of the time interval under consideration
# 3- the end date of the time interval under consideration
# 4- the list of ODF files to be loaded to cover the above-mentioned time interval
# 5- the clock file to be loaded
# 6- the list of orientation kernels to be loaded
# 7- the list of tropospheric correction files to be loaded
# 8- the list of ionospheric correction files to be loaded
# 9- the antennas switch files to be loaded
# 10- the list of GRAIL trajectory files to be loaded
# 11- the GRAIL reference frames file to be loaded
# 12- the lunar orientation kernel to be loaded
# 13- the lunar reference frame kernel to be loaded
# 14- output files directory
def perform_residuals_analysis(inputs):
# Unpack various input arguments
input_index = inputs[0]
# Convert start and end datetime objects to Tudat Time variables.
start_date = time_conversion.datetime_to_tudat(inputs[1]).epoch().to_float()
end_date = time_conversion.datetime_to_tudat(inputs[2]).epoch().to_float()
# Retrieve lists of relevant kernels and input files to load (ODF files, clock and orientation kernels for GRAIL,
# tropospheric and ionospheric corrections, antennas switch files, GRAIL trajectory files, GRAIL reference frames file,
# lunar orientation kernels, and lunar reference frame kernel)
odf_files = inputs[3]
clock_file = inputs[4]
grail_orientation_files = inputs[5]
tro_files = inputs[6]
ion_files = inputs[7]
antennas_switch_files = inputs[8]
trajectory_files = inputs[9]
grail_ref_frames_file = inputs[10]
lunar_orientation_file = inputs[11]
lunar_ref_frame_file = inputs[12]
# Retrieve output folder
output_folder = inputs[13]
# Redirect the outputs of this run to a file names grail_residuals_output_x.dat, with x the run index
with util.redirect_std(output_folder + 'grail_residuals_output_' + str(input_index) + ".dat", True, True):
print("input_index", input_index)
filename_suffix = str(input_index)
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load standard spice kernels
# Load specific Moon kernels
# Load GRAIL frame definition file (useful for spacecraft-fixed frames definition)
# Load GRAIL orientation kernels (over the entire relevant time period).
for orientation_file in grail_orientation_files:
# Load GRAIL clock file
# Load GRAIL trajectory kernel
for trajectory_file in trajectory_files:
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load ODF files
multi_odf_file_contents = estimation_setup.observation.process_odf_data_multiple_files(odf_files, 'GRAIL-A', True)
# Create observation collection from ODF files, only retaining Doppler observations. An observation collection contains
# multiple "observation sets". Within a given observation set, the observables are of the same type (here Doppler) and
# defined from the same link ends. However, within the "global" observation collection, multiple observation sets can
# typically be found for a given observable type and link ends, but they will cover different observation time intervals.
# When loading ODF data, a separate observation set is created for each ODF file (which means the time intervals of each
# set match those of the corresponding ODF file).
original_odf_observations = estimation_setup.observation.create_odf_observed_observation_collection(
multi_odf_file_contents, [estimation_setup.observation.dsn_n_way_averaged_doppler],
[numerical_simulation.Time(0, np.nan), numerical_simulation.Time(0, np.nan)])
# Filter all ODF observations that exceed the time interval defined by the start and end dates. This is only necessary because
# the last ODF file might span over longer than one day (as any other ODF file), thus exceeding the time interval over which the
# dynamical model is defined.
day_arc_filter = estimation.observation_filter(
estimation.time_bounds_filtering, start_date, end_date, use_opposite_condition = True)
# Retrieve the time bounds of all ODF observations combined. A time buffer of 1h is subtracted/added to the observation
# start and end times. This is necessary to ensure that the simulation environment covers the full time span of the
# loaded ODF observations, without interpolation errors at the arc boundaries.
observation_time_limits = original_odf_observations.time_bounds
obs_start_time = observation_time_limits[0] - 3600.0
obs_end_time = observation_time_limits[1] + 3600.0
print('Original observations: ', original_odf_observations.concatenated_observations.size)
# Compress Doppler observations from 1.0 s integration time to 60.0 s
compressed_observations = estimation_setup.observation.create_compressed_doppler_collection(
original_odf_observations, 60, 10)
print('Compressed observations: ', compressed_observations.concatenated_observations.size)
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create default body settings for celestial bodies
bodies_to_create = ["Earth", "Sun", "Mercury", "Venus", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Moon"]
global_frame_origin = "SSB"
global_frame_orientation = "J2000"
body_settings = environment_setup.get_default_body_settings_time_limited(
bodies_to_create, start_date, end_date, global_frame_origin, global_frame_orientation)
# Modify default shape, rotation, and gravity field settings for the Earth
body_settings.get('Earth').shape_settings = environment_setup.shape.oblate_spherical_spice()
body_settings.get('Earth').rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.gcrs_to_itrs(
environment_setup.rotation_model.iau_2006, global_frame_orientation,
start_date, end_date, 3600.0),
start_date, end_date, 3600.0),
start_date, end_date, 60.0))
body_settings.get('Earth').gravity_field_settings.associated_reference_frame = "ITRS"
# Set up DSN ground stations
body_settings.get("Earth").ground_station_settings = environment_setup.ground_station.dsn_stations()
# Modify default rotation and gravity field settings for the Moon
body_settings.get('Moon').rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.spice(
global_frame_orientation, "MOON_PA_DE440", "MOON_PA_DE440")
body_settings.get( 'Moon').gravity_field_settings = environment_setup.gravity_field.predefined_spherical_harmonic(
environment_setup.gravity_field.gggrx1200, 500)
body_settings.get('Moon').gravity_field_settings.associated_reference_frame = "MOON_PA_DE440"
# Define gravity field variations for the tides on the Moon
moon_gravity_field_variations = list()
environment_setup.gravity_field_variation.solid_body_tide('Earth', 0.02405, 2))
environment_setup.gravity_field_variation.solid_body_tide('Sun', 0.02405, 2))
body_settings.get('Moon').gravity_field_variation_settings = moon_gravity_field_variations
body_settings.get('Moon').ephemeris_settings.frame_origin = "Earth"
# Add Moon radiation properties
moon_surface_radiosity_models = [
radiation_pressure.thermal_emission_angle_based_radiosity( 95.0, 385.0, 0.95, "Sun"),
radiation_pressure.predefined_spherical_harmonic_surface_property_distribution(radiation_pressure.albedo_dlam1), "Sun")]
body_settings.get("Moon").radiation_source_settings = radiation_pressure.panelled_extended_radiation_source(
moon_surface_radiosity_models, [6, 12])
# Create empty settings for the GRAIL spacecraft
spacecraft_name = "GRAIL-A"
spacecraft_central_body = "Moon"
body_settings.get(spacecraft_name).constant_mass = 150
# Define translational ephemeris from SPICE
body_settings.get(spacecraft_name).ephemeris_settings = environment_setup.ephemeris.interpolated_spice(
start_date, end_date, 10.0, spacecraft_central_body, global_frame_orientation)
# Define rotational ephemeris from SPICE
body_settings.get(spacecraft_name).rotation_model_settings = environment_setup.rotation_model.spice(
global_frame_orientation, spacecraft_name + "_SPACECRAFT", "")
# Define GRAIL panel geometry, which will be used for the panel radiation pressure model
body_settings.get(spacecraft_name).vehicle_shape_settings = get_grail_panel_geometry()
# Create environment
bodies = environment_setup.create_system_of_bodies(body_settings)
# Add radiation pressure target models for GRAIL (cannonball model for the solar radiation pressure,
# and complete panel model for the radiation pressure from the Moon)
occulting_bodies = dict()
occulting_bodies["Sun"] = ["Moon"]
bodies, spacecraft_name, radiation_pressure.cannonball_radiation_target(5, 1.5, occulting_bodies))
bodies, spacecraft_name, radiation_pressure.panelled_radiation_target(occulting_bodies))
# Update bodies based on ODF file. This step is necessary to set the antenna transmission frequencies for the GRAIL spacecraft
estimation_setup.observation.set_odf_information_in_bodies(multi_odf_file_contents, bodies)
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load GRAIL's antenna switch files. For each day, the corresponding file contains the position history of the antenna used for
# radio tracking. As such, they keep track of all switches between the two GRAIL antennas that might have occurred during that
# day. The GRAIL's antenna positions are provided in the spacecraft-fixed frame.
antenna_switch_times = []
antenna_switch_positions = []
for file in antennas_switch_files:
antenna_switch_times += grail_antenna_file_reader(file)[0]
antenna_switch_positions += grail_antenna_file_reader(file)[1]
# Reconstruct dictionary containing the antenna switch history (including the GRAIL-fixed position of the relevant antenna at
# initial and final times)
antenna_switch_history = dict()
antenna_switch_history[obs_start_time.to_float()] = np.array(antenna_switch_positions[0:3])
for k in range(len(antenna_switch_times)):
antenna_switch_history[antenna_switch_times[k]] = np.array(antenna_switch_positions[k * 3:(k + 1) * 3])
antenna_switch_history[obs_end_time.to_float()] = np.array(antenna_switch_positions[-3:])
# Set GRAIL's reference point position to follow the antenna switch history (the antennas' positions should be provided in the
# spacecraft-fixed frame). For the input_index = 1, the antenna position offset wrt GRAIL's COM is neglected.
if input_index != 1:
compressed_observations.set_reference_points(bodies, antenna_switch_history, spacecraft_name, observation.reflector1)
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create light-time corrections list
light_time_correction_list = list()
# Add tropospheric correction. For input_index = 2, this correction is neglected.
if input_index != 2:
# Add ionospheric correction. For input_index = 3, this correction is neglected.
if input_index != 3:
spacecraft_name_per_id = dict()
spacecraft_name_per_id[177] = "GRAIL-A"
estimation_setup.observation.dsn_tabulated_ionospheric_light_time_correction(ion_files, spacecraft_name_per_id))
# Create observation model settings for the Doppler observables. This first implies creating the link ends defining all relevant
# tracking links between various ground stations and the MRO spacecraft. The list of light-time corrections defined above is then
# added to each of these link ends.
doppler_link_ends = compressed_observations.link_definitions_per_observable[
observation_model_settings = list()
for current_link_definition in doppler_link_ends:
current_link_definition, light_time_correction_list))
# Create observation simulators
observation_simulators = estimation_setup.create_observation_simulators(observation_model_settings, bodies)
# Compute and set residuals in the compressed observation collection
estimation.compute_residuals_and_dependent_variables(compressed_observations, observation_simulators, bodies)
# Filter residual outliers
estimation.observation_filter(estimation.residual_filtering, 0.1))
# Save residuals as directly computed w.r.t. the reference SPICE trajectory for GRAIL, along with the
# observation times and link ends IDs.
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'residuals_wrt_spice_' + filename_suffix + '.dat',
compressed_observations.get_concatenated_residuals(), delimiter=',')
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'observation_times_' + filename_suffix + '.dat',
compressed_observations.concatenated_float_times, delimiter=',')
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'link_end_ids_' + filename_suffix + '.dat',
compressed_observations.concatenated_link_definition_ids, delimiter=',')
# Retrieve RMS and mean residuals
rms_residuals = compressed_observations.get_rms_residuals()
mean_residuals = compressed_observations.get_mean_residuals()
# Save RMS and mean residuals
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'residuals_rms_' + filename_suffix + '.dat',
np.vstack(rms_residuals), delimiter=',')
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'residuals_mean_' + filename_suffix + '.dat',
np.vstack(mean_residuals), delimiter=',')
# Retrieve time bounds per observation set
time_bounds_per_set = compressed_observations.get_time_bounds_per_set()
time_bounds_array = np.zeros((len(time_bounds_per_set), 2))
for j in range(len(time_bounds_per_set)):
time_bounds_array[j, 0] = time_bounds_per_set[j][0].to_float()
time_bounds_array[j, 1] = time_bounds_per_set[j][1].to_float()
# Save time bounds for each observation set
np.savetxt(output_folder + 'time_bounds_' + filename_suffix + '.dat', time_bounds_array, delimiter=',')
if __name__ == "__main__":
inputs = []
output_folder = 'grail_residuals_output/'
if not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
# Specify the number of different setups to be analysed in parallel in this example
nb_setups = 4
# Define start and end dates of the time interval for the residuals analysis
start_date = datetime(2012, 4, 1)
end_date = datetime(2012, 4, 30)
# Retrieve the names of all the relevant kernels and data files necessary to cover the time interval of interest
(clock_file, grail_orientation_files, tro_files, ion_files, manoeuvres_file, antenna_files, odf_files,
trajectory_files, grail_frames_def_file, moon_orientation_file, lunar_frame_file) = (
get_grail_files("grail_kernels/", start_date, end_date))
# Define number of parallel runs
nb_parallel_runs = nb_setups
# Each parallel run covers the full time interval defined by the above start and end dates, but with different settings for the Doppler model.
# Specifically, the four different setups are the following (setups 1, 2, and 3 being simplified versions of the complete setup 0):
# setup 0: default
# setup 1: ignoring GRAIL's antenna position offset (i.e. antenna = center of mass)
# setup 2: ignoring tropospheric correction
# setup 3: ignoring ionospheric correction
# For each setup to be run in parallel
for i in range(nb_parallel_runs):
# Construct a list of input arguments containing the arguments needed this specific run.
# These include the start and end dates, along with the names of all relevant kernels and data files that should be loaded
inputs.append([i, start_date, end_date, odf_files, clock_file, grail_orientation_files, tro_files,
ion_files, antenna_files, trajectory_files, grail_frames_def_file, moon_orientation_file,
lunar_frame_file, output_folder])
# Run parallel GRAIL estimations from ODF data
print('The output of each parallel estimation is saved in a separate file named grail_residuals_output_x.dat, '
'with x the index of the run (all output files are saved in ' + output_folder)
with mp.get_context("fork").Pool(nb_parallel_runs) as pool:
pool.map(perform_residuals_analysis, inputs)
# Load and plot the results of the different residuals analyses.
fig1, axs1 = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(12, 10))
fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(12, 10))
setups = ['Default', 'Ignoring GRAIL\'s antenna position offset', 'Ignoring tropospheric correction', 'Ignoring ionospheric correction']
for i in range(nb_parallel_runs):
obs_times = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "observation_times_" + str(i) + ".dat")
link_ends_ids = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "link_end_ids_" + str(i) + ".dat")
residuals_wrt_spice = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "residuals_wrt_spice_" + str(i) + ".dat")
time_bounds = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "time_bounds_" + str(i) + ".dat", delimiter=',')
residuals_rms = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "residuals_rms_" + str(i) + ".dat")
residuals_mean = np.loadtxt(output_folder + "residuals_mean_" + str(i) + ".dat")
start_date_float = time_conversion.datetime_to_tudat(start_date).epoch().to_float()
# Plot full residuals wrt reference spice trajectory
axs1[i].scatter((obs_times-start_date_float)/86400, residuals_wrt_spice, c=link_ends_ids, s=10)
axs1[i].set_ylim([-0.03, 0.03])
axs1[i].set_xlim([0, 30])
axs1[i].set_xlabel('Time [days since start date]')
axs1[i].set_ylabel('Residuals [Hz]')
# Plot RMS and mean residuals (per observation set) wrt reference spice trajectory
axs2[i].scatter((time_bounds[:,0] - start_date_float) / 86400, residuals_rms, s=10, color='b', label = 'RMS')
axs2[i].scatter((time_bounds[:, 0] - start_date_float) / 86400, residuals_mean, s=10, color='r', label = 'mean')
axs2[i].set_ylim([-0.02, 0.02])
axs2[i].set_xlim([0, 30])
axs2[i].set_xlabel('Time [days since start date]')
axs2[i].set_ylabel('Residuals [Hz]')