Observation Model Setup

Having defined the link ends, you can now define and create the observation models. Below the general workflow for this is discussed.

Defining observation settings

Tudat supports a diverse set of observation types, (see Observation models for a comprehensive list). The creation of an observation model is done in a similar manner as models used for the numerical propagation: an object defining the settings of each observation model is created, which is then processed to create the actual observation model.

A basic observation is defined by a combination of its type, and a link definition. Most observation types may (or must) have additional settings, such as light-time corrections, biases, etc.

Below is a basic example of creating settings for two observation models.s

# Define link ends
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends = dict( );
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends[ transmitter ] = estimation_setup.observation.body_reference_point_link_end_id( "Earth", "NNO" );
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends[ receiver ] = estimation_setup.observation.body_origin_link_end_id( "MeX" );
one_way_nno_mex_link_definition = estimation_setup.link_definition( one_way_nno_mex_link_ends )

# Create list of observation settings
observation_settings_list = list()
observation_settings_list.append( observation_setup.one_way_range( one_way_nno_mex_link_ends ) )
observation_settings_list.append( observation_setup.one_way_open_loop_doppler( one_way_nno_mex_link_ends ) )

This defines a one-way range and one-way Doppler (open-loop) observable, each with the New Norcia ESTRACK station/Mars Express as transmitter/receiver (see Link ends setup). These settings are put into the observation_settings_list list. Note that this list of observation model settings can be extended with any number of entries, with any number of link ends. The only limitation is that you may not have duplicate entries of link ends and observable type (as this would essentially define an identical type of observation).

When defining observation models, you can for most types of models define settings for:

  • Biases: A bias in TudatPy is applied to the observable after its ‘ideal’ value computed from the environment is computed. You can find a list of settings for observation biases in our API documentation

  • Light-time corrections: When using an observable that involves the observation of one point/body in space by another (including any observable that involves the exchange of elecromagnetic signals), it is automatically assumed that the signal travels at the speed of light, and the associated light-time is determined when calcialting the observable. Deviations from the signal’s ideal trajectory (straight line at speed of light) may be defind by adding light-time correction settings, as listed in our API documentation

  • Light-time convergence settings: Calculating the light time between two link ends requires the iterative solution of the light-time equation. Default settings for convergence criteria for this solution are implemented, but a user may modify these settings if so desired. The associated settings object can be created using the light_time_convergence_settings() function.

The above options are added to the calls of the observation model settings factory functions. Below is an example

# Define link ends
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends = dict( );
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends[ transmitter ] = estimation_setup.observation.body_reference_point_link_end_id( "Earth", "NNO" );
one_way_nno_mex_link_ends[ receiver ] = estimation_setup.observation.body_origin_link_end_id( "MeX" );
one_way_nno_mex_link_definition = estimation_setup.link_definition( one_way_nno_mex_link_ends )

# Define settings for light-time calculations
light_time_correction_settings = [ observation_setup.first_order_relativistic_correction( [ 'Sun' ] )]

# Define settings for range bias
range_bias_settings = observation_setup.absolute_bias( 0.01 )

# Create list of observation settings
observation_settings_list = list()
observation_settings_list.append( observation_setup.one_way_range(
    light_time_correction_settings = light_time_correction_settings,
    bias_settings = range_bias_settings ) )
observation_settings_list.append( observation_setup.one_way_open_loop_doppler(
    light_time_correction_settings = light_time_correction_settings ) )

where we have defined that, for both observation models for which settings are created, the light-time calculation will take into account the first-order relativistic correction of the Sun, by using the first_order_relativistic_correction() function. For the range observable, we have defined an absolute bias of 1 cm (0.01 m) using the absolute_bias(), while leaving the Doppler observable unbiased.

Creating the models

Depending on the type of simulation you are using, you can use one of two manners in which to create the observation simulators from the observation settings:

  • Create a set of observation simulators directly, using the create_observation_simulators() function:

    # Create physical environment (as set of physical bodies)
    bodies = ...
    # Create settings for observation models
    observation_settings_list = list( )
    # Create observation simulators
    observation_simulators = create_observation_simulators( observation_settings_list, bodies )
  • Create an :Estimator object (discussed further here), which creates the observation simulators automatically

    # Create physical environment (as set of physical bodies)
    estimator = Estimator(...)
    # Exract observation simulators
    observation_simulators = estimator.observation_simulators

In either case, the observation_simulators variable is a list of objects derived from ObservationSimulator, with a single object responsible for the simulation of a single type of observable (e.g. one-way range, one-way Doppler, etc.). The observation_simulators list of simulators can then be used for Observation Simulation.

For ‘manual’ simulation of observations, you can extract an ObservationModel object from the ObservationSimulator (TODO example). Whereas the ObservationSimulator is responsible for all observations of a given kind, the ObservationModel simulates observations of a single kind, for a single set of link ends (e.g. one-way range observations between a given ground station and a single spacecraft). Details on the associated options can be found in the API documentation.